The Township of Hamilton will begin its annual lowering of Lake Lenape on or about November 20th 2009. The purpose for the lowering of the lake is so that residents can remove debris from their waterfronts and perform dockside clean-up. The 2009 lake lowering will be unique this year due to the construction taking place at the spillway. Atlantic County will be going out to bid to repair the 3 gates at the dam and will be constructing a concrete coffer dam with trash racks for future serviceability of both the gates and spillway. This will ultimately make the water levels much more manageable during storm events and help preserve water during the summer months. Our permit allows for us to maintain a lake level of 3 feet below the concrete spillway between now and March 1st. As construction progresses the levels will fluctuate accordingly so work can be performed. Thank you for your understanding to this matter. Any further questions can be directed to the Public Works Dept. (609) 625-6311 ext 454.